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Back-to-School Drivers Need Insurance Too

Tips on How to Save Money by Adding
Your Teen to Your Insurance Policy

The roads are about to get busier... and the scariest part is with whom. Teen drivers will be sliding behind the wheel this fall in preparation for morning school commutes and weekends home from college.

"This time each year, our children go back to school. That puts a lot of extra traffic on the road, and requires an adjustment in our driving practices," advised Dave Roush, CEO of

With more cars and buses on the road during the morning rush hour, and with families once again altering routes to drop children off at their schools, it can take a few weeks for everyone to get used to the school year routine. During this time, planning ahead for delays can reduce the likelihood of being late for work or other appointments.

In this hectic period, drivers are urged to keep their speed down and to drive carefully.

"It's never a good feeling to be late to a meeting," said Roush, "but better late than in an accident caused by trying to get somewhere sooner by driving faster. Not only could that cause accidents and injuries, it's much more likely to result in a speeding ticket. Calling the office to let them know you'll be late could also result in a ticket or accident, so avoid using a cell phone while driving. Keep your auto insurance premiums low by avoiding violations and accidents that result in claims against your insurance."

With more students now reaching driving age, parents are considering the expense of adding their driving teens to their auto insurance. However, some teens could be earning their parents discounts on their car insurance.

"Some auto insurance companies offer discounts based upon good academic results and advanced drivers education," advised Roush, "which can result in savings on policies that include students. The start of a new school year is an opportunity for many to save money on their auto insurance.

Comparing multiple rates can uncover further savings, so when you're thinking about adding a child to your policy, it's always a good idea to shop around first and make sure you get the best coverage at the right price."

For more information on safe driving and auto insurance discounts for teens, you can read the following article, Insuring Teenage Drivers, at
