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How to Interpret the Difference Between What Your Mechanic is Saying and What He Really Means

by Sandy Lindsey

Often, part of the reason why some women have trouble communicating with their mechanic is due to the fact that mechanics speak a different language. Luckily, Sandy Lindsey understands what the technician means, and gratefully has translated some of the more popular phrases used by managers and garage workers alike.



"Don't worry; we've seen this problem before." "Repairs like this one put my eight kids through college."
"This shouldn't take long." "You'll be eligible for Social Security before we're done."
"We'll take care of everything." "Hand over your credit card and call us in the morning."
"This is an easy fix..." "All you need to do is buy a new car."
"Of course you're not the only one who's ever done this to her vehicle." "We were reading about this guy in Ripley's Believe it or Not."
"No customers allowed in the work area." "No one is allowed to interrupt our on-going poker game."
"We've got a TV in the other room to help pass the time while you wait." "We'll get to your car when we get to it, so stop breathing down our necks and go play with the broken TV knob."
"There's coffee in the corner." "A vile brew that will make your stomach feel as bad as your car's engine does right now."
"Cash only." "We trust you even less than you trust us."
"Not responsible for valuables left in the car." "If you want your stuff back, come to our booth at the 6th Street flea market."
"Not responsible for cars left over 30 days." "We also own Bargain Tony's Quality Used Cars."
"90-Day Limited Warranty on all repairs." "Bye bye, sucker. See you in three months."