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Mercedes-Benz SL500 - Über-Sexy

Just when you thought it couldn't get any sexier, just when you thought they couldn't come up with an automotive form that was even more beautiful than the ten other sexy thangs that adorn these pages, Mercedes-Benz rolls out the unforgettable new 2003 SL500. If you're walking on the street and one appears in the corner of your eye, you're gonna look. And once you take a look, you'll take a second one. Soon thereafter is when your jaw hits the ground, rendering you a blubbering mess of drool.

Trust us. We've spent time in this car. It has that effect on people. It's simply arresting.

And expensive, too. At $85K, it costs more than your kid's entire higher education-without scholarships. But if Mom has anything to do with it, scholarships are exactly what little Joey's gonna be after if it makes the difference between her driving a new SL or being stuck in some lesser roadster. Why? Well, besides the fact that its proportions are as timeless and correct as the day that roadsters were conceived, the SL's beauty is more than skin deep. In fact, the more you examine it, the more attractive it gets. Take, for example, the Owner's Manual. It's nicely written and sensible, yet thoroughly comprehensive in its coverage of every aspect of the technological powerhouse, replete with clear color illustrations and sensible diagrams. And as for that technology, just know that it is packed so full of it as to make $85K seem like a bargain.

Among our favorite features are the gorgeous instrument bezels, the power folding seats (for access to additional interior storage space) and of course, the retractable metal roof, which does its hard-top-to-roadster trick less than 20 seconds-far less than you'll suffer through at most stop lights. This is not to mention the 302-hp V-8, low-flying-aircraft handling and brakes that are far smarter than you are. Faults? We're still looking….

Smitten are we? Dizzy with lust? Guilty. But isn't that what sex appeal is all about?


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