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5 Tools to Supplement Teen Driving by Mollie Jones

Five Interactive Tools to Supplement
Teen Driving Education

by Mollie Jones

Learning smart driving behavior is more than just attending and passing a basic driver’s education course. As technology advances, so do the ways your teen driver can learn about the rules of the road. Consider incorporating these interactive tools into your teen’s driving education.

1. Driving simulators
With a driving simulator, teen drivers get behind-the-wheel experience similar to the real world without the risk of accidents. These high-tech simulators train students how to react to potential risks on the road, like blind spots, and can also imitate different driving conditions like night-time and highways. Driving simulators are offered mainly through auto manufacturers’ driving courses.

2. In-car cameras
In-car video cameras start recording as soon as poor driving behavior takes place, like speeding or rolling through a stop sign. Footage taken during and after the event is then sent to a third-party safety analyst to provide tips to improve your teen’s driving education.

3. Smart phone applications
A number of smart phone applications can also support smart driving behavior. Consider an app that disables the call and texting functions on your teen's phone while their car is moving (note that emergency calling is still available). Regular calls are sent straight to voicemail. Text messages can either get an automatic response or be completely disabled during drive time.

4. Advanced driving assistance systems
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have been gaining popularity in recent years. Formerly available only in select luxury vehicles, many ADAS features are being built into models in all price ranges. These features include lane assist, adaptive cruise control and blind spot monitoring. Some ADAS also issue pre-crash warnings and can automatically apply the brakes to lessen the impact.

5. Online games and quizzes
Interactive games and quizzes can help reinforce smart driving practices like avoiding distractions (e.g. cell phones). Many free quizzes are available to test a teen’s knowledge of state-specific traffic rules before taking the written driving exam. 

Interactive tools are just one aspect of smarter driving. It’s important to remember these tools exist to help monitor your teen’s driving behavior and enforce smart driving habits – not to invade their privacy. And don’t forget to keep your son or daughter protected on the road with auto insurance. Look for a trusted insurance provider that offers multiple discounts for more affordable coverage, such as a discount on teen car insurance for completing a driving safety course.