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New Product Helps Mobility
Impaired Travelers

Research conducted in 2002 by ReedHaldyMcIntosh, a strategic marketing research company, indicated that more than 10 million U.S. adults who are capable of walking some distance are extremely interested in owning a personal mobility vehicle that is small enough to store in a car's trunk. Electric Mobility, the company that revolutionized the transport of the mobility impaired with their Rascal scooter, now continues their groundbreaking work by meeting this need. They have used their ingenuity and engineering talents to design a transportable electric scooter - the AutoGo™ - that is lighter, easier-to-use, more convenient to transport than traditional scooters and provides outstanding value.

The AutoGo is the industry's first and only power folding scooter. The scooter folds under its own power to a compact size for transporting or storage with the touch of a finger. No lifting, bending or stooping is necessary.

With the AutoGo, users do not have to compromise. While it is compact and lightweight, it also offers strength, stamina and stability. Measuring just 41 inches long by 21 inches wide, the AutoGo can travel up to 4.2 mph and carry up to 300 lbs. for a maximum range of ten miles on its rechargeable battery. It features a super lightweight cast aluminum chassis that provides maximum strength and longevity while only weighing nine pounds. Dual front wheels insure added stability.

And AutoGo riders do not have to give up comfort for convenience. The comfortable lightweight, padded seat with armrests is removable and folds down for storage and transport. A storage compartment under the seat is a safe place for personal items. An advanced digital smart controller provides smooth acceleration and deceleration, and includes a self-diagnosing system and battery preserving sleep mode. The powerful electric motor and smooth differential drive are quiet and provide a pollution-free method of transportation.

While scooter users want their scooter to be ready to go when the need it, they also want it out of the way when it's not in use. The AutoGo's power-walking feature allows users to power fold the scooter to a compact size and then move it to a convenient storage location. In addition, the AutoGo's design provides for easy dismantling for storage or to fit in a car's trunk. The battery pack and seat are removable and the drive train easily disengages from the body of the vehicle. The AutoGo can travel by car, train, ship or plane. It can store either horizontally or vertically depending on the space available.

Consumers can get more information by calling, Toll Free, 1-800-U-AUTOGO or by visiting